#52Ancestors Week 9 "Where there's a Will"

The first will I ever received was from a very generous chap named Andy Gravett, Andy had been building his family tree for several years before I even started.  So thank you Andy.

This will is Thomas Gravett's my 7th Great Grandfather (1681-1741). This will confirmed my earlier research, giving the name of his brother, wife, son, daughter in law and grandson.  His son Thomas Jr was my 6th Greadgrandfather and so far I can see there were no other siblings.  The Grandson metioned, William was th first of 7 children of Thomas Jr and Elizabeth and my 6th Great Uncle.  I have looked on old maps but have yet to find the lands mentioned in this will, looks like he had several properties.  Nice touch bequething 30 dozen loaves of bread to the poor.

It reads

In the name of God, Amen. I Thomas Gravatt of Wisborough Green in the County of Sussex, yeoman being in good health and of sound disposition and memory and understanding. Thanks be given to Almighty God for the same considering the certainty of death and uncertainty of the times revoking all forms of wills by me made demake and declare this to be my last will and testament in name and form following / that us to say first of all I commend my soul to the hands of Almighty God my creator hoping through death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour to for pardon of all my sins and my body I commit to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my executors hereafter named and as to the disposal of such estate as God in his mercy has blessed me with I give and devise and bequeath all that my messuage or tenement farms and land with the appertainers commonly called and known by the names of Jakofs and Haydon lying and being in Wisborough Green aforesaid and also all that my other messuage or tenement farm and lands with the appertainers situate and being in the same parish and called as known by the name of Hook land unto my loving brother William Gravatt of Albury in the County of Surrey yeoman and to my good friend Thomas Elliott of Wisborough Green aforesaid yeoman and their heirs to hold the same unto the said William Gravatt and Thomas Elliot and their heirs in trust and to and for the uses intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned expressed limited and declared of a concerning the same that is to say / as to for touching and concerning all that the aforesaid messuage tenement farm and lands with the appertainers called Jakofs and Haydon in trust and to and for the only soul and proper use and benefit and of my dear and loving wife Mary and her assigns for and during the terms of her natural life subject nevertheless and charged with and Annuity of three pounds a year to my son Thomas Gravatt the younger and Eliyabeth Gravatt wife of him the said Thomas Gravatt or the longest liver or survivor of the said Thomas or Eliyabeth Gravatt aforesaid during the terms of their natural lives and further my will and meaning is that if my loving wife Mary shall be married again I give and devise the said land called Jakofs and Haydon in trust to and for the only use and of my said son Thomas Gravatt during the term of his natural life subject nevertheless and charged with one annuity of six pounds yearly out of the said lands called Jakofs and Haydon aforesaid during the term of the natural life of my loving wife Mary and her assigns during the term aforesaid my of her and in any kind whatsoever as touching the said land or freehold estates called Jakofs and Haydon aforesaid and further my will is in case my loving wife Mary married again or shall continue and remain a widow then my will sis that she shall receive the yearly income rents and profits of the said lands and use of all my household goods during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease then in to and for the only use and behoof of my said son Thomas Gravatt the younger and his assigns during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease in trust and to and for the only use and behoof of my grandson William Gravatt son of my said son Thomas Gravatt the younger and the heirs of my said grandson for ever and as to for touching and concerning all that the said messuage or tenement farm and lands with the appertainers called Hook land in trust to and for the payment of all my debts first by cutting and making sale of all such timber as shall be felled for market and in case there shall not be sufficient to pay all my debts and funeral expenses and the other charges which my executors in trust shall be at in the execution of the Trust by me in them reposed I give and devise the said lands in and by the executors in trust to sell or mortgage as they shall think proper for the payment of my debts funeral expenses and other charges as aforesaid and after the payment of all those my said debts what moneys be and remain over and above them in trust the interests and produce to be equally divided between my loving wife Mary during the term of the widowhood that is to say one half to my said wife during the said term and in trust the other half in trust to and for the only use and behoof of my son Thomas Gravatt and his assigns during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease pass in trust to and for the only use of my daughter Eliyabeth Gravatt the wife of Thomas Gravatt aforesaid during the term of her natural life to and for the maintenance and bringing up my grandchildren the children of him my said son Thomas Gravatt and Eliyabeth aforesaid and from and after the decease of my said daughter in law Eliyabeth Gravatt aforesaid I give and bequeath and devise the lands if not then sold to be by the trust as aforesaid sold and equally divided amongst my grandchildren the children of my said son Thomas and Eliyabeth Gravatt share and share alike and from and after the payment of my debts all the and residue of my goods and rights and personal estate after the payment of my debts and funeral expenses I give in trust for uses as aforesaid and also I give thirty dozen of breads to be distributed at the discretion of my executors to the poor of Wisborough Green and I do desire to be burryd at Crandly (sic) in the county of Surrey. And I do hereby make and appoint my said loving brother William Gravatt and my good friend Thomas Elliot Executors and in them trust as aforesaid of all this my said will whom i desire may be reimbursed out of my effects all such charges as they shall be put in to in the execution of the trust by me in the deposed in whereof I have hereinto set my hand and seal this eight day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirty six
Thomas Gravatt signed sealed and delivered published and declared by the said Executors of this last will and testament being written on two sheets with his hand and seal to both sheets in the presence of subscribed our names
